Monday, January 7, 2013

Missoula, Montana

Flying from Austin, Texas to Missoula, Montana was an awe inspiring sight.  I cozied up (partly by choice and partly by sheer necessity thanks to small seats + big people) to the window and watched with amazement as the landscape slowly shifted from green fields to bright, snowy mountains.  The pristine, untouched snow below perfectly mirrored my fresh outlook for the new year.  A new chance.  Fresh.

Missoula is a small town nestled in a valley, surrounded by snowy mountain peaks.  Although the temperature was way colder than what I'm used to, the brisk air felt really refreshing.  I couldn't help but keep thinking how DIFFERENT it was here.  Growing up in the south, and now living in Southern California, snow has always been a special treat in my world.  Snow has always meant staying home from school, sledding outside until my toes turned blue, and staying off the roads.  In Missoula, snow is just a way of life. The children run out to recess, crunching their boots in the new snow, bundled head to toe, embracing the snow as just a daily occurance.  Life goes on as normal, dusted with the bright, white glow of the season.

One of my new travel goals is to always eat healthy, local foods.  Not every city has a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's, so it takes some investigating to discover healthy food options.  In Missoula, I found and LOVED a store appropriately titled "The Good Food Store."  I stocked up on the salad bar, fresh soups, and green juices.  Yum!

Thanks for joining me on my travel adventures!


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